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    Saturday, October 11, 2014

    Flashback to fall of 2013...

    I was taking on every session that I could, While driving back and forth to Cheer practice four nights a week plus weekends, and trying to be a great mother and wife to my family of five. Staying up all night editing, waking up at 6 am to get my girls ready for school, you mommas know the drill. My photography wasn't what it used to be. My customer service was shot and I was all out of passion. 

    One night, while sobbing to my husband, he told me that he wanted me to quit photography. WHAT?! But, this was my dream. I had built this very successful business all by myself. I let his words sink in. I thought about how trying to keep everyone else happy was hurting the ones I loved most. 

    So we prayed. And that's where God stepped in.

    The next day, I got offered a job as a teacher's aid at my girls school. A supplemental income to allow me a break while also leaving me with the same available working hours I used as a photographer. I had the freedom to take on as much or as little photography clients as I wished! It wasn't enough. I still struggled with taking on too much. I just couldn't tell people no.

    Summer came and it got a bit better. Then my big girl came to me and said, "Mama, we don't get to play together anymore." WHOA. How did I let this rushed lifestyle effect my perfect angel? She decided on her own to quit the sport that she had loved and devoted her life to for the past 4 years. And She thrived. We all did.

    Still struggling with taking on too many clients, summer came to an end.

    Then Cancer came.
    Cancer. No matter how severe. Is something that hits you like a ton of bricks.
    Ryan's cancer was caught early, had a huge success rate, and required very little chemo.
    Yet, the impact it had on me was immense.

    And that was my game changer. 
    I cancelled all of my fall sessions.
    I made plans with no one.
    I deleted every social media app off of my phone and never checked emails.

    Drastic, maybe. Needed, undeniably.

    That was almost three months ago. My passion for photography has reignited like a flame thrower. My children are the happiest I have seen them in ages. I make plans with my friends/family and I can not wait to uphold those plans.

    And now I am craving photography. of course. Just when I think I've gotten it all figured out.

    Yes, I am taking on sessions again. However, instead of 4-5 a week, I am taking 4-5 a month. I can not wait to put all that I have into my sessions again. I can not wait to receive those emails stating, "Your photos captured everything I see in my child. I can not look at them without crying."

    Thank you all for standing beside me through this rough year. I can not wait to repay you.

    xo. tamara